Friday, May 8, 2009

VIPS/KFC Corporate Cup May 18

There is still room available!
We still have room for more tennis teams for the tournament on May 18!
This will be an exciting year with the tennis tournament now being held at
The Louisville Boat Club.
Please email Heather Benson to sign up for this years tournament.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby Excitment at VIPS !

VIPS has been full of Derby excitement. The kids loved to get meet a horse up close and personal. With a visit from a horse to VIPS the kids had a chance to meet a horse and touch and feel what a real horse feels like. After they had a chance to meet the horse they got to get on the horse with their derby silks on. All the kids learned about the horses and the garland of roses with making their own.